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Product comparison site Reevoo offers over 1 million reviews on a vast range of products, going up against similar services from the likes of Epinions and Amazon’s hosted reviews. However, consumers faced with such overwhelming choice can now turn to an alternative offering of curated product selections from Reevoo.
Just buy this one sidesteps the information overload provided by its parent site, instead taking the cumulative ratings of reviews to offer a single recommendation for each product category. Nine categories are featured, including laptops, TVs, toasters and vacuum cleaners, with multiple price points available for each. The site simply offers an image of the best rated product alongside a brief list of features and the best price available — with a link to buy. If they want more information, customers can click through to Reevoo at any point to see the full range of products and reviews.
There is wealth of information available online that helps consumers to weigh up the evidence and make informed decisions, but what can you do to cater to those who have little time, or inclination, to do the research themselves…?
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