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Just as Moment Garden helps parents chronicle their children’s lives with a secure place to save and share important milestones, so myHistro allows consumers to do much the same thing for themselves. Now in beta, Estonian myHistro is designed to help users create and share stories from their lives with friends and family. Users begin by signing up with the free service either directly or through Facebook. From there, they place events from their lives on a timeline and a map, indicating other people who were involved and whether the story is private or open for sharing. They can also write a story summary. Photos and descriptions of events can be added for illustration, and friends involved in the story can add their own impressions. The result is a joint narrative that can be saved and replayed at will over time. Is there any end in sight to consumers’ desire to document and share their lives? We think not. How can your brand help…? (Related: A place to preserve and share mementos onlineCollaborative photo books help groups tell stories.) Spotted by: John Greene