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Local and relevant museum trips, curated and managed for schools

EdTrips aims to quickly connect schools with curriculum-relevant venues through its comprehensive online management tool.

The world is full of educational opportunities for kids, but schools often don’t have the budget or the staff to organize a trip outside of the school gates for an entire class of children. That’s why EdTrips is aiming to quickly connect schools with curriculum-relevant venues through its comprehensive online management tool.

Educators signing up for EdTrips first fill out a short questionnaire about the kind of the trip they want, the age range of the kids and where their school is located. The site then displays a curated list of possible options, including museums, galleries, zoos and other places of interest. The site provides a wealth of information about each venue, such as how much time should be spent there, local cafeterias and facilities, and reviews. When they’ve picked one, educators can book through EdTrips, make a payment, and manage their trip. Venues can also sign up to be inluded on the site and the service currently lists over 400 venues in 43 states across the US.

Currently part of the Techstars Boston accelerator program, EdTrips hopes to make the process of finding and organizing field trips easier for schools, providing kids with more stimulating and engaging learning opportunities. At the same time, it gets more visitors through the doors of local museums and galleries. Are there more ways to make the organization of large-scale trips more manageable?

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