Packing a lunch for kids tends to involve a variety of plastic packaging, bags and wrappers that are harmful not just to the environment—heading directly to landfills as they so frequently do—but also, potentially, to the kids themselves. Whereas
Kids Konserve’s plastic-free lunch kits were driven by environmental considerations, a new line of stainless steel lunch containers was inspired instead by concerns over bisphenol-a, or BPA.
Several studies have contributed to fears that BPA—a chemical widely used in plastics for baby bottles, beverage and food containers, and linings in food cans—may be linked with cancer, diabetes and hyperactivity, among other disorders. Though
by no means conclusive at this point, such concerns were strong enough to motivate the Canadian government recently to ban the chemical’s use in baby bottles. Working on the premise that it’s better to be safe than sorry, California-based
LunchBots now offers a line of brightly coloured, stainless steel containers for kids’ food. The LunchBots Uno is a 6.25-by-4.5-by-1.75-inch container made entirely of stainless steel with a powder-coated blue lid. The LunchBots Duo, meanwhile, is the same size but features an orange lid and two compartments. Both are dishwasher-safe and priced at USD 14.99; special pricing for school fundraisers is available.
Health fears aside, of course, reusable containers are also better for the environment, and crafting them from stainless steel is bound to make them more durable and longer-lasting—all benefits that could appeal to parents around the globe. LunchBots, however, currently ships only within the United States; one to help bring to the little lunch eaters in your part of the world?
Spotted by: Brian Ghidinelli
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