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A new device by mc10 and Reebok hopes to alert team coaches of the severity of an in-game clash in order to help them make the right decision when deciding whether or not to keep players on the pitch.
Motorcycle safety is already an industry in itself – we recently covered ICEdot’s Crash Sensor helmet which records data and notifies emergency services in the case of an impact. Performing a similar role for sports players, a new device by mc10 and Reebok aims to alert team coaches and physios of the severity of an in-game clash in order to help them make the right decision when deciding whether or not to keep players on the pitch. Head injuries are always a concern for both players and managers involved in contact sports and when an event does occur, it is vital to know if the injury needs treating as quickly as possible. Initially designed with ice hockey players in mind, although adaptable to any sport, the product will take the form of a mesh cap made of ultra-thin flexible electronics that can fit under a helmet. The sensors detect how bad the trauma is and whether medical treatment or a rest is needed before the player continues or retires from the game. Due to be released early next year, it is as yet unknown how much the kit will be priced at. The device could go one step further in improving safety standards in ice hockey and other physical sports, which will protect both their health and the interests of those invested in the players. Are there any other ways that medics working with limited time could be helped to make a diagnosis?
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