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Mobile security service lets users mix and match verification tools

Passboard is a free service that focuses on protecting mobile apps and sites using multi-factor verification security.

Password management is a challenge whose difficulty increases with each new app or account we add to our lives, but San Francisco-based PassBan has created a solution that takes a different approach. Rather than endlessly coming up with new passwords that are neither too easy to crack nor too difficult to remember, users of PassBan’s Passboard service can choose a combination of authentication methods and use the one that makes the most sense at any given moment. Now in beta, Passboard is a free service that focuses on protecting mobile apps and sites using multi-factor verification security. Users begin by choosing some combination of verification methods from options including voice, face, motion, location, token and password. Then, each time they need mobile access to an app or account, Passboard automatically adapts to their environment at that moment. So, if it’s a noisy atmosphere, for example, Passboard might use face verification; if it’s dark, it might switch to voice verification. If it’s both noisy and dark, Passboard could use motion or token verification. “The goal is to put the user in control of deciding which combinations of verifications they want to use,” PassBan explains. The video below explains the premise in more detail:
An Android version of the Passboard app is now available on Google Play, and reviews have been less than stellar so far. However, it’s still beta technology, and the multi-factor approach is a compelling one. Mobile-minded entrepreneurs: one to get involved in? Spotted by: Smith Alan