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ClubMom is a free national membership organization for American moms celebrating and rewarding everything 'mom'. Major corporations like Coca Cola, Dodge, Verizon Wireless, Unilever, and Home Depot are already on board.

What’s the quickest way to get a busy mom’s attention? Reward her hard work, listen to her opinions, and respect her economic power as the Household CEO. That’s exactly what US based has diligently been doing, and business is now taking off: mothers across America are joining up in droves. ClubMom is a free national membership organization for American moms celebrating and rewarding everything ‘mom’. The focus is on consolidating the voices and buying power of mothers across the country, and supplying access to tools, resources, and services that make the tough job of being a mom a little easier. Mothers join by completing a simple sign-up form, after which they have immediate access to all of the ClubMom membership benefits. Featured ClubMom benefits include a frequent flyer-like program where moms can earn points for purchases from hundreds of well-known ClubMom partner companies (like Target, Vons Grocers, Barnes & Noble, Babies R Us, Avon, and Radio Shack) and redeem them for items from the ClubMom catalog that range from magazine subscriptions to all-expenses paid family vacations. The website also includes time-saving tips and recipes; money saving coupons and special discounts on popular consumer goods and services; interactive message boards, polls, and community building events; pampering programs like the ClubMom Day of Indulgence Tour; and empowerment programs like the Home Depot-sponsored Do-It-Herself workshops (a great new business idea in itself) and the Voice of Mom Report.It’s clear that major corporations know moms are a critical demo that wields serious economic clout – Coca Cola, Dodge, Verizon Wireless, Unilever, and Home Depot are some of the big name major partners that are already on board at ClubMom. And with 2.8 million members and growing, the model is also resonating very strongly with its consumers: super multitasking, always overworked, often under appreciated mothers.


Mothers seem like almost TOO obvious a target for new goods and services, but ClubMom focuses on a key, under-addressed characteristic of the demo: most moms consider being a mother a career, not simply a default setting of being female. They feel they work just as hard, must be just as creative, innovative, organized and resourceful, and put in just as many (if not more) hours as any other career might demand.Thus, ClubMom taps directly into the demo’s existing economic power to fuel benefits that not only make members’ jobs easier, but also make them feel appreciated and rewarded. They address important issues — like the sense of isolation from peers and friends mothers often feel or the lack of couple time that parents have — by providing real, practical, tangible solutions courtesy of programs and partnerships they’ve developed. And what consumer goods company or service provider in their right mind wouldn’t want to participate in a ClubMom-type model? After all, we’re talking about an organization comprised of millions of the people who make the majority of buying decisions for entire families.So how do you get into this powerful club? If you’re an existing consumer goods or service business, get on board as a ClubMom partner. A website owner? Become a ClubMom affiliate, promote their site through yours, and earn USD 0.50 for every new membership referred from your site. Looking to start a new business? Well, there are moms all over the world with their own unique needs, concerns, and opinions, but ClubMom is currently for US moms only. ClubMom Germany, ClubMom Brazil, ClubMom Japan, anyone?