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A multi-purpose device has been built by merging synthetic neurobiology with silicon technology.
California-based startup technology company Koniku has built a computer processor that can detect both cancer cells and explosives. The new device, coined Koniku Kore, is a system based on mice neurons rather than silicon, which is most common. The system has been programmed to recognise the smell of explosives, likely making it popular for high-security environments such a government buildings and airports, but its uses even span to the detection of cancer cells and agriculture. Founder Oshi Agabi believes the device could be used as the ‘brain’ of robots in years to come, as it is modem-sized.
The device was created by merging synthetic neurobiology with silicon technology, which creates sensor-like capabilities that detect and recognise smells. Agabi claims he can give the neurons instructions about what to do, much like the human brain transmits reactions throughout the body. Agabi launched Koniku last year and has already raised USD 1m in funding, and claims it is already making profits of USD 10m in deals with the security industry.
Technology’s impact on the security sector has developed leaps and bounds in recent years, with airports in particular benefiting from new creations. Facial recognition technology has been implemented at many airports to speed up the passenger boarding process, while new surveillance technology recognises images to track faces, objects and behaviours. How else could multi-use innovations such as Koniku Kore be programmed?
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