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Eager to keep up with the ever-increasing number of international fashion and style titles but pressed for time, readers are in need of a hand. Enter Distill, a new bimonthly magazine that brings together the best content from lesser-known fashion and style publications from around the world, enhanced by commentary from renowned creative figures. Launched in September 2008 by London-based publisher Craft, Distill is priced at GBP 4.50 and claims to be the first global fashion digest. Each issue will feature shows, new trends, book reviews and critiques, that are plucked from a range of relatively obscure publications from around the globe. Rather than cannibalizing on the sales of those magazines, Distill’s editors are confident that the features will boost their profile in markets where they’re not yet widely available. It’s an interesting concept, and one that could well be transferred to other industries that are in need of affordable cheat sheets to keep their time-starved movers and shakers up to date. It’s all about convenience and curated consumption! The challenge? Competing with bloggers, who have been using this strategy from the start and can publish with an immediacy that print magazines just can’t match. (Related: online, Fashionation is taking a similar approach by posting images from a wide variety of fashion publications.) Spotted by David Licona