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Consumers’ pain can be entrepreneurs’ gain, as we’ve seen on so many occasions before. The latest example? New York-based Off Your Desk, which relieves U.S. consumers of the burden of dealing with health insurance forms. Off Your Desk aims not only to spare busy people the necessity of handling health insurance paperwork, but it strives to help them maximize their reimbursement too. Toward both ends, services can help clients with document organization, claim submission, claim review, payment review and generalized member assistance. Plans include a one-time catch-up service to eliminate a stack of existing paperwork, priced at USD 295; a member advocacy plan for occasional questions and guidance, priced at USD 195 per year; and an ongoing support plan for USD 65 per month. Custom packages are available as well — including one for expectant parents — as are services for insurance brokers and corporations. Off Your Desk reminds us in many ways of EUclaim and Miss Refund, both of which help consumers claim travel refunds. It’s always worth finding innovative ways of making consumers’ lives a little easier — they will reward you for it! Spotted by: Susan Johnston