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An on-demand landlord service for the inexperienced homeowner

The Happy Home Company provides a personal Home Manager, contactable through a smartphone app, to organize everything from weekly chores to kitchen remodelling.

The ever-expanding Internet of Things in the home is increasingly capable of protecting homeowners against damage to their property. Some products such as the Water Hero — which automatically shuts off water when it detects a leak – can even act on the customers’ behalf to avoid catastrophe, but there are still times when only a handyman (or woman) will do.

The Happy Home Company is a maintenance service which provides a Home Manager to take care of customers’ home needs at a fee of USD 9.99 per month. Similar to Alfred — the on-demand butler service — the Happy Home Company expands on the chore-list to include everything from small repairs and regular housekeeping to major remodeling work. In essence, the service acts as an experienced on-demand landlord, for homeowners with limited maintenance knowledge or time to spare.

To begin, customers are assigned their Home Manager — one of 15 full-time staff employed by The Happy Home Co — who creates a customized home maintenance plan. The customer can get in touch via email, 24 hour phone line or an online app to inform them of any tasks that need attending to. Subscribers can even send a photo or video to their Home Manager in an emergency to diagnose the problem. The Happy Home Company then oversee everything — from sourcing the best, local service providers to handling the scheduling and billing. All potential vendors are screened extensively, so the customer has access to a crew of trustworthy experts without any cold calling or scouring of online reviews.

You can watch the video below for more details:

The company was established by Doug Ludlow who found himself bewildered as a first-time home owner. Are there any other common tasks that could be outsourced to those more in know?