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Online course trains tattoo artists to spot skin cancer

In Brazil, a project called Tatuador Consciente is teaching tattoo artists how to detect signs of melanoma and other skin cancers while they're inking.

For Brazilian beachgoers, days spent soaking up the sun’s rays can be fun, but can also lead to skin cancer if the necessary protection isn’t taken. What’s more, young people in particular believe that skin cancer checks are more for the elderly. In order to get through to the youthful demographic, a project called Tatuador Consciente is teaching tattoo artists how to detect signs of melanoma and other skin cancers while they’re inking.

Initiated by Ogilvy Brasil for the sunscreen brand Sol de Janeiro, the project initially trained up 200 tattoo artists from across Brazil with help from the A C Camargo Cancer Center. The students were taught how to identify marks on the skin that can be signs of the presence of skin cancer, or of potential risk from harmful UV rays. The idea is that the tattooists will be able to give their customers a quick check that could help them catch cancer early without requiring them to visit a dermatologist. The initiative has since moved online, where a further 250 artists have completed their diploma at no cost. Some customers have even been made aware of early signs of skin cancer thanks to the course, and the website enables young people to find a qualified tattoo artist near them.

Watch the video below to find out more about the project:

Tatuador Consciente isn’t the first innovation to use tattooing to help cancer patients — we’ve already seen the P.INK campaign offer women with breast cancer scars some creative ink ideas to cover them up. Are there other ways to encourage young people to engage with serious health issues?