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With more and more aspects of daily life abandoning their physical form and appearing electronically, why should libraries be any different? That’s why Sony has partnered up with software firm OverDrive, offering bookworms an easier way to borrow e-books. OverDrive works with over 9,000 libraries worldwide, letting lenders use their library card to get new, free digital content. To protect the rights of authors, the digital service works as closely to a normal library as possible. Only a certain amount of digital licences are bought by the libraries, and once these are all out on loan, users must wait for a ‘return’ before they can borrow it. Of course, borrowers don’t really have to return books: once borrowed for a set period of time, the e-book is no longer accessible, and the user can delete the file. No more late fees 😉 The partnership with Sony means that both companies will cross-market OverDrive’s library network and Sony’s Reader, which—unlike Amazon’s Kindle—is compatible with industry standard e-book formats offered by libraries. Spotted by: Jim Stewart