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Neurofeedback glasses train the brain with NASA developed programs

Narbis is a pair of high-tech glasses which use sensors and neurofeedback to train the brain — helping users to improve their focus.

We have already seen glasses used to detect drowsiness in the wearer and encourage computer users to blink regularly. Now, Narbis is a pair of high-tech glasses which use sensors and neurofeedback to train the brain — helping users improve their focus, memory and more.

To begin, users strap on a bluetooth armband and put on the glasses. Attached to the frame are three dry sensors, one at the end of each arm and one which extends over the head of the wearer — these connect to the wearer’s skin with small gold pins, which comfortably monitor the user’s brain activity. After turning on the bluetooth amplifier, the user can begin brain training using the Narbis app on their smartphone. The app comes with five training programs — developed by NASA to measure attention levels in pilots — each for a specific area of brain performance: focus, performance, sleep, calm and mood.

The dry sensors measure the user’s brainwaves and send the signals to the electrochromic glasses — when the user’s attention drifts the lenses darken and when they focus, they clear, giving the user a clear incentive and heightened awareness of their brain’s activity. Narbis recommend two 30-minute training sessions per week and they say users should see results after about ten training sessions.


Narbis is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter. Pledgers can pre-order the headset for delivery in December 2015, at a reduced price of USD 345. Are there other functions which could be added to glasses to improve brain performance?