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AI contact manager keeps users’ digital address books up to date

CircleBack manages users' address books, filling in missing details and updating records when their contacts' information changes.

Most contact lists are shockingly out of date — an average of 25 percent of numbers and email addresses stored in people’s digital contact books are no longer in use. In business, this can be a very expensive mistake. Helping to solve this, CircleBack is a simple app which uses artificial intelligence and crowdsourced data to enable users to keep their business and personal contacts up to date.

CircleBack is a simple platform for individuals and businesses that manages users’ address books, automatically deleting duplicate contacts, filling in missing details and updating records when a contact’s information changes. To begin, individual users download the app or sign in online. The platform then connects with a range of social networks, including Facebook and LinkedIn, to collate the user’s contacts and creates a single, secure, cloud-based address book which they can access anytime from any device. Users can also sync CircleBack with their Gmail account using ContactSaver, converting email signatures into usable information.

The platform’s artificial intelligence engine then continuously processes billions of data points to determine whether contact information is accurate and up to date. CircleBack already has a database of over half a billion members from the global business community, but since the information comes from the user base itself, the more people who use CircleBack the more accurate it will become. CircleBack processes contacts anonymously to ensure privacy is protected.

The platform is free for individual users and available to businesses for a fee. It is currently available from the app store and will soon be adapted for android too. Are there other services which could help people to spring clean their online data?