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Platform helps patients understand doctors’ explanations

JiffPad is a new iPad app that lets doctors explain health issues visually and digitally, meaning patients can access the information at home.

For children, being diagnosed with an illness can be daunting, especially if they’ve never heard of the disease, which is why innovations such as the Medikidz comics may come in handy. However, adults can be left equally in the dark if they don’t fully understand a medical procedure or can’t remember everything the doctor has told them about their condition. Aiming to fix this problem, JiffPad is a new iPad app that lets doctors explain health issues visually and digitally, meaning patients can access the information at home. According to statistics from Jiff, the company behind the application, some 80 percent of the information health professionals give to patients is forgotten once the appointment is over, and people also remember 50 percent of their doctor’s medical talk incorrectly. The app is a presentation tool which enables doctors to make clear the important data they dispense to their patients. During the explanation, medical staff can mark and draw onto images to underline the points they are making. Those annotations, along with the audio of the conversation are recorded and made available to the patient as a digital file to watch back later on. All the videos are HIPAA-compliant, meaning that sensitive patient data is kept secure. The following video shows how doctors might use the app:
JiffPad could improve patient-doctor communication and save time for health professionals by ensuring that people are better informed about their condition and subsequent treatment. It is easy to see how this technology could perhaps be implemented in other areas where effective sharing of complex ideas is paramount. Spotted by: Murray Orange