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Platform taps Facebook and Twitter to help find Canada’s missing children

The World's Most Valuable Social Network lets participants “donate” their Facebook or Twitter accounts to help find Canada's missing children.

It was just a few weeks ago that we covered Donate Your Desktop, and recently we came across another effort that taps every day technologies and puts them to work to help others. Rather than desktop backgrounds, however, the World’s Most Valuable Social Network lets participants “donate” their Facebook or Twitter accounts to help find Canada’s missing children. Users of the World’s Most Valuable Social Network, which was created by the Missing Children Society of Canada, begin by signing in with either Facebook or Twitter. Next, they “donate” their accounts on either or both of those networks to help the search for missing children. This means that each time a child goes missing, a notification alert is sent to the user’s donated networks, with alerts going out first to those in the surrounding vicinity. Alerts are posted to users’ news feeds roughly four or five times per year, the Missing Children Society says. The video below explains the premise in further detail:
Communication is at the heart of the solution to so many of society’s problems. Social entrepreneurs: how could you tap Facebook and Twitter users to further the cause of your choice? Spotted by: Murtaza Patel