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Bizinate helps bright young things to start selling their products and services online, with the option for parental input.
MindSumo has already provided a platform to link existing businesses with creative young people who could offer solutions to their challenges. Aiming to set those young entrepreneurs on their own path, Bizinate helps innovative youths to start their own businesses online. According to its founders, users can start their business immediately after completing the three-minute account setup, which asks for the main details of the startup and guides them through the creation of a Bizinate page. Entrepreneurs then choose the jobs they can do from a list of presets or create their own, and let others know via email or Facebook. By filling out bank details, users can be paid directly through the site. Parents of younger entrepreneurs can set up a Bizinate page for their children, as well as tweak parental controls to ensure they can start their business securely and safely. Aimed at those who have never started a business before, Bizinate adopts a uniform layout for each business page meaning that brand personalization is shunned in favour of ease of use. However, registration is free and the team is aiming to start a million new businesses through the platform. How else can young talent be fostered? Spotted by: Murray Orange
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