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Real-time flight details collected and updated on one dashboard

Pintrips offers a travel booking service that allows users to 'pin' flight deals from different sites onto a real-time online dashboard.

We recently covered KnowDelay – a site that predicts flight delays based on the weather in order to make travel a bit easier. With a similar approach to simplifying travel, Pintrips offers a travel booking service that allows users to ‘pin’ flight details from different sites onto an online dashboard. The idea for Pintrips first came to CEO Stephen Gotlieb when he was trying to book flights for his parents from Israel to the US. He’d send flight options to his parents, but the ten hour time difference often meant that by the time he’d heard back from them the original offer had already expired or that particular fare had sold out. He came up with a system where users can ‘pin’ different site’s flight details to one dashboard – which keeps them all in one place and updates the fare prices as they change. The video below explains the premise in more detail:
While this service doesn’t promise to offer the cheapest flight deals, it does mean that users can be sure they have the most up-to-date details when making a booking. Are there any other ways the booking process can be simplified for fliers?