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Rent-a-mom service for twentysomethings

New York millennials in need of some motherly care can now rent the services of Nina Keneally, who runs the business Need a Mom.

We have already seen Pijon offering to send struggling students and ‘mom’ package, and now New York millennials in need of some motherly TLC can now rent the services of Nina Keneally, who runs the one-woman business Need a Mom. Aimed at struggling youngsters who need a ‘mom but not their mom’, Keneally charges around USD 40 per hour to provide ‘motherly’ services including wardrobe clear-outs, resume reviews, ironing, or a cup of coffee and a chat.

Photo: The Guardian

Photo: The Guardian

Inspired by the requests for help and advice from young women at her yoga class, Keneally launched the service in October and already has six regular clients. The Need a Mom website promises that Keneally — as temporary mom — won’t ‘question your lifestyle choices’ or ‘keep you on the phone for 45 minutes talking about the neighbors cat.’ Instead, clients can get right to the nitty, gritty of being looked after without inconvenient guilt or having to give anything back

Keneally is a mother of two but has no professional qualifications as a counselor or therapist. Instead she promises advice, and will help clients find a doctor or professional help if they need it. Are there other niche society roles that could be packaged in this way?