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The right podcast for every journey

Pendelpoddar is a free service that recommends podcasts based on users’ commute times in Sweden.

Podcasts have been around for years, but their popularity has recently exploded — listening grew 23% between 2015 and 2016, with 64% of podcasts are being listened to on a smartphone or tablet. As listening increases, audiences have become more discerning about the content they choose and a number of innovations have sprung up in response to this. One such example is a service that analyses a user’s tweets to recommend podcasts that match their profile. Now, Pendelpoddar is another recommendation service, but works using a different metric — journey time.

The Swedish construction and civil engineering company PEAB have developed this free service to highlight Stockholm’s proximity to new residential area, Nya Råsunda. Users enter the details of their journey by destination, origin and mode of travel. In response, the site generates a list of podcast episodes that match their journey time.

Although the service currently only operates in Sweden, is this time-based format a trend that will spread to other countries?