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Happiily is a site that lets employees speak honestly and anonymously while giving managers an early heads-up when there are any problems.
It’s no secret that employee morale can have a big effect on company performance, but getting an accurate picture of how employees are feeling in a timely way is one of a manager’s biggest challenges. That’s where Canadian Happiily comes in, with a site that lets employees speak honestly and anonymously while giving managers an early heads-up when there are any problems. Employees use Happiily by answering questions designed to assess their current feelings about their workplace and the people they share it with. They can also write “shouts” to express specific feelings. Happiily, meanwhile, records an overall mood score for each individual, and anonymously aggregates the results from everyone at the same company to generate an overall assessment of company mood. Employees can compare their own results by the week, month or year against this company mood, while managers get an overall dashboard view and a sense of any trends. Eventually, they’ll be able to participate in anonymous one-on-one feedback sessions with unhappy employees, the company says. Ultimately, the hope is that employees are empowered to speak up when issues arise and managers can pinpoint and resolve problems earlier than they would be able to otherwise. Still in its early stages, Happiily is currently free to use. One to help roll out in corporations around the world? Spotted by: Magda Dominik