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Filmbuff search engine helps users find movies they like is an artificially intelligent search engine for films, which can process natural language and analyze thousands of variables.

Finding new video content online, or searching for films without knowing the title can still be a challenge, even with the most up-to-date search engines. That’s why, a new video search engine from Finnish company Valossa, is using an artificial intelligence-powered tool that can analyze thousands of variables in movies and videos, and give more accurate searches. is capable of analyzing video streams and identifying thousands of themes — the artificial intelligence looks deep into the content, with the company claiming their software as “the most advanced video analysis platform”.

The platform can examine advanced questions and queries to find films. Users can type in, for example, “show me sci-fi movies about space battles and laser guns”, or “find me epic history movies”. The platform also features a descriptive voice-controlled search engine for discovering entertainment platforms.

How else can search engines be improved to make smarter and more useful searches?