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Social network lets users trade their online time for charitable gifts

JellyChip is a social network that transforms users' networking time into a points-based currency, to be spent on charitable gifts.

The cultural currency of ‘likes’ is not what it used to be. Instead, in line with many peoples’ growing desire to have a positive impact on the world around them, we are seeing new social platforms aiming to transform online downtime into something quintessentially positive. Previously, we wrote about PersonalHeroes — an app that tracks people’s behavior and translates their good deeds into a kindness score, and now JellyChip is a social network that transforms users’ networking time into a points-based currency, that can be spent on charitable gifts for others.


To begin, users create a profile on JellyChip and start earning points by completing activities online. These activities range from simply logging in on consecutive days, to referring friends and chatting with other users on the platform. Primarily though, users earn points by completing surveys — of which there are two types. Free surveys, which are questions set by users that can gain up to 100 responses from the JellyChip network, or PRO surveys — market research questions set by companies, for which they pay USD 0.30 per response.

After a short while, users will have earned enough points to buy something at the JellyChip store. But rather than selling items for the user, the store instead sells social gifts — items chosen by partner charitable organizations that the user donates to those in need. Gifts range from a school lunch for a cambodian child — 318 points — to cataract surgery — 100,000 points. Then, JellyChip sends the equivalent cost of the gift to their partners, who include Child Fund Australia and World Vision.

How else could peoples’ time and opinions be transformed into a currency for social good?