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V Energy is an Australian-based energy drinks company that has created a plugin which allows students to turn ads into revision notes.
Studies have shown that subliminal messaging can enable students to achieve significantly higher results. In August, in partnership with creative agency Traffic, energy drinks company V Energy launched V AdNotes, an app designed to help students capitalise on this.
V AdNotes is free to download and enables revising students to input revision notes, graphs or images into color-coded subject blocks. The blocks then appear on websites in place of adverts. Users can organize their notes according to subjects and can turn them on and off depending on what they are studying. V Energy marketing manager Craig Harkness explains, “Procrastination while studying is inevitable, so whilst students are being distracted by the latest celebrity gossip, cat video, or meme, by using V AdNotes they will actually be subliminally studying.” Unfortunately, the app doesn’t work with integrated advertising on websites like Facebook and Twitter, or the sponsored links that appear at the end of articles.
Last year, Springwise wrote about this company which allows users to buy advertising space and enjoy advert-free browsing without depriving their favorite publishers of an income. How else will we see users being given the chance to customize their browsing experience?