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Residents and visitors to the Italian town of Ferrara may be able to enjoy its secret, pop-up Street Dinner events on occasion, but French consumers can enjoy something similar every month. Specifically, Les Terrasses Bleues holds a free gathering for drinks each month for a select group of invited guests. Les Terrasses Bleues’ events take place on the 16th of each month, each of them at one or more distinct locations in France. Its inaugural event in July, for instance, hosted some 1,200 attendees at the Musée Rodin, which was decked out in blue decorations for the occasion. Anyone can subscribe to Les Terrasses Bleues’ Facebook page for updates via email. When the next event is imminent, the event’s organizers send out a text message; the first set number of consumers to respond are given the event’s secret location and invited to attend. There is no charge for Les Terrasses Bleues’ evenings of drinks, but participants are required to wear blue. October’s event was the last for this year, and it took place at numerous locations throughout France. More events are apparently planned for 2011. There’s no explicit mention so far of any corporate sponsors behind Les Terrasses Bleues, but we’ve heard it suggested that French beer brand Kronenbourg 1664 is involved. What is clear, however, is the universal appeal of the events’ exclusiveness and secrecy. Canadian Charlie’s Burgers is another one that has figured that out — something to emulate in your neck of the woods…? Spotted by: Elisabeth Dien