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Travel search engine matches the cheapest flights with the best frequent flyer miles

30k is a comparison site that enables travelers to determine their optimum flight, taking into account both low cost and high reward miles.

Price comparison site usually do just that — compare prices — but sometimes there are other factors that consumers would rather prioritize over costs. We’ve previously seen Routehappy eschew flight cost and speed to help travelers search for the nicest routes to their holiday destination, and now 30k is enabling users to determine their optimum flight that takes into account both low cost and high reward miles.

In a typical scenario, frequent fliers will use a search to find the cheapest price and usually choose the one with the biggest saving. However, these flights often come with much lower reward miles. 30k organizes its search results to highlight fares that may be slightly more expensive than the cheapest, but offer considerably more bonus miles. For example, the cheapest flight to Beijing could be USD 1,030 with 6,000 miles, but 30k may suggest an option that’s USD 1,100 but comes with 12,000 miles. Users can then use the extra miles to gain priority check-ins, extra baggage allowances or complimentary upgrades, negating the small USD 70 premium for the alternate flight.

Are there other ways comparison sites could take into account many more factors to cater for users differing needs when comparing products and services?