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Users rewarded for posting photos to online platform

By sharing photos and other visual content, users receive cryptocurrency rewards.

As cryptocurrency becomes increasingly common and widespread, we have seen it used as a force for good. For example, the creation of Climatecoin with the aim to encourage consumers to be more eco-friendly. Another example is the charitable foundation Ananas which rewards members of its interactive platform with cryptocurrency for their honesty, thus hoping to counter extremist views. SELFLLERY is a photo-sharing based platform which rewards contributors with cryptocurrency, whilst also raising money for charity.

SELFLLERY makes it easy for users to earn revenue by sharing photos and other visual content. This blockchain photo-sharing is simple to use, even for those unfamiliar with the concept. The site’s slogan ‘Take Photo – make Money’ has certainly attracted internet users’ interest. SELFLLERY rewards contributors with cryptocurrency, which can then be spent in the SELFLLERY marketplace, donated to charity or pooled in competitions. In the words of the site’s founder Vadim Onishchenko, “We’re very happy to see SELFLLERY’s success, and to see our new members sharing in our excitement. SELFLLERY’s mission is to share the profits from our social platform with the people who help develop it, rewarding their talents, their creativity and their efforts. Every social network makes money from user-generated content – we are giving it back.”

SELFLLERY allows users to promote themselves or their brands, helping their popularity.  Users can choose how much of their revenue to donate to a charitable cause. The minimum donation amount is 5 per cent. In addition, a special icon appears on the profile of those who donate 100 per cent. The company also donates 10 per cent of its revenue to charity.

How else can cryptocurrency enable good causes? Will there come a day when cryptocurrency becomes the most dominant currency in our lives? It will be interesting to see how consumers react to this growing currency.