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Visual search app lets homeowners find the right parts to fix their machines

Partpic lets consumers or businesses simply snap a photo of the broken part they need and lets them know where they can order a new one.

The technology we use is made up of lots of different components and widgets, and if one breaks then the whole device or machine can be rendered useless unless a replacement can be found. The problem is that these pieces are often unlabeled and difficult to identify for those wanting to repair their own appliances. Partpic lets consumers or businesses simply snap a photo of the broken part they need and lets them know where they can order a new one.

For many non-technical people, it's hard to explain to repair experts exactly what part they want to buy. Even if they know the general name, they become nonplussed when asked what size, type or shape they need. Using the Partpic app, they can now take a photo of the part they need to replace and the service automatically searches a vast visual database to match it. The app provides them with the name and specifications of the piece so they can contact their local hardware store. If they're not sure which store they need, they can also find a nearby dealer through the app.

Watch the video below to learn more about the service:

Partpic can be used by both consumers and businesses who want to avoid having to purchase an entirely new machine when only one part is broken, and can also help hardware stores locate the pieces their customers need. Are there other ways to use visual search to identify unknown items — whether technical or otherwise?