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Wikipedia for physical objects

Moscow-based startup is creating a digital database for objects with high quality images and descriptions.

A growing cultural appreciation for designed objects means museums are struggling to obtain, archive and categorise vast collection of things. Now, Russian startup Thngs, has created a digital repository of physical objects, complete with high quality images and descriptions, so that modern objects aren’t lost forever even when they are physically gone.


The startup helps its users create high-quality images and 360 sequences of objects. The digital database fills a need for museums who are keen to digitise their collections, and communicate the resulting content with the public. So, for example, one of thesite’s functions is to produce ‘Shows’, online curated collections of the digitised content. Thngs has already agreed partnerships with two Russian museums, Polytechnic Museum and Moscow Design Museum. It will also be working with Getty Images so that clients such as museums, galleries and collectors can sell their images, 360s and 3D models via Thngs. Co-founder and CEO Dima Dewinn describes the aim of the project, explaining “We made it easy and comfortable to discover, share and save information about things. The service allows museums, collectors, brands and producers to reach out to their audiences, giving almost the same experience in physical dimension… A Noah’s ark for the material world”.

We recently wrote about this men’s fashion platform, a database of fashion that allows users to identify and purchase items worn by their celebrity style icons. How else will be see the possibilities of online databasing used?