Vending machine offers free samples, provides rich user data to retailers
The Freeosk is a vending machine that automatically dispenses samples to loyalty card holders.
Free samples are a common way for retailers to promote new products, but supermarkets often use staff to hand them out and don’t collect data about the success those campaigns. New startup Freeosk has now created a vending machine that automatically dispenses samples to loyalty card holders.
The Freeosk is designed to be placed into retail environments where customers can easily take a free sample of the product inside. Customers get access by swiping their loyalty card or iPhone app. The interesting thing about Freeosk is that retailers can see the type of customer that is engaging with the samples, as well as data on conversions into sales later on. This gives both supermarkets and brands valuable information into how successful their campaigns are.
Freeosk is set to launch in select outlets in the US in the near future. Following the trend for automated services in supermarkets, the Freeosk could replace the need for staff to man free sample stations and help retailers to improve their sales strategies. Are there other ways to track customer habits in return for free services or products?
Spotted by: Murray Orange
1st October 2013