Innovation That Matters

Bands offered a unique website for every song

Publishing & Media

Musical bands can benefit in myriad ways from the online world, whether through analytics tools, fan recruitment or crowdfunding help. Now, Canadian Viinyl is a site that offers bands a unique URL for every song. Currently in private beta, Montreal-based Viinyl gives musical bands an attractive landing page for each song they create. There’s currently no cost to bands, and each site comes with lyrics, artwork, videos, notes, various download options, promotional tools, analytics, and more. The site explains: “The viinyl platform turns your song into an interactive website — a digital version of the 45rpm single with artwork and videos. Viinyl sites are optimized to travel the web, engage fans, grow market demand for your band and increase customer loyalty using marketing techniques for the web.” Music fans increasingly discover and share their favorite artists online. Viinyl has developed a compelling new platform, what can you offer…? (Related: Online tool gives musicians one-stop band managementAn iPhone app for every band.) Spotted by: Kevin

