Innovation That Matters

Wise Words with Ambarish Mitra

Wise Words

Ambarish Mitra is Co-Founder and CEO of Blippar, an image recognition app that can link printed media to interactive online content without a QR code. Launched in August, he has already secured partnerships in the UK with Tesco’s, Cadburys and the Metro newspaper.

Ambarish Mitra is Co-Founder and CEO of Blippar, an image recognition app that can link printed media to interactive online content without a QR code. Previously, Ambarish was Head of Innovation at AXA and Head of Product Development at He was the winner of the 2011 ‘Insurance IT Leader of the Year Award’ and also founded, an Indian internet portal aimed at women. More recently he has created a theme-based mobile social network called Stuck, which has more than 250,000 users worldwide.

Blippar, which launched in August, has already secured partnerships in the UK with Tesco’s, Cadburys and the Metro newspaper. To use Blippar, readers point their iPhone, iPad or Android device’s camera at a printed Blippar image to reveal a 3D overlay. No QR codes are necessary, and screen grabs of the overlays can be saved and sent to friends over Facebook, Twitter or email.

1. Where did the idea for Blippar come from?

The idea of Blippar came from one random evening outing with Co-Founder and CTO Omar Tayeb, where we were joking about the ability to make the Queen speak from a bank note. We made that joke a reality and then realized that we can do this to all brands’ real world assets like logos, press ads, outdoor, packaging and more.

2. This is a really competitive space, what do you think gives Blippar the edge?

Image recognition lead business models didn’t exist before Blippar. Besides the stickiest image recognition and tracking, Blippar’s one-platform approach means that the promotion of Blippar functionality by brand partnerships will result in a sizeable, active audience of its own.

3. Can you describe a typical working day?

Brainstorming three or four brand new Blippar led brand-marketing ideas. Meeting direct brands and their agencies, product development discussions, delegating new business leads, tuning in to Blippar social conversation on Twitter etc. and celebrating micro-successes with the rest of the team – with many reasons to do hi-fives. 

4. How do you unwind or relax when you’re not working on Blippar?

Give Blippar demonstrations to friends and family. Lately I haven’t had any time to unwind. Once in a while I do enjoy a game of squash or tennis.

5. What’s the secret ingredient to success as an entrepreneur?

There is no secret ingredient. Good ideas backed by a great team.

6. What drove you crazy when building your business?

Finding equally passionate people to work for you when developing a new business is a key success factor. It did drive me crazy initially but now we are in the right direction.

7. What motivates you to keep going?

I believe in Blippar and its potential. Tremendous hard work from fellow colleagues at Blippar and great support from friends, family and my wife is always motivating.

8. If you were to start again, what would you do differently?

I wouldn’t change anything if I were to start again.

9. Where do you see your business in five years, and how will you get there?

The company is projecting rapid, international expansion with a view towards becoming the world’s default ‘lens’ on all smart phones for brand-to-consumer image recognition, augmented reality executions.

10. If you weren’t working on Blippar, what would you be doing?

Working on another idea with the same team.

11. Tell Springwise a secret…

I watched every episode of Desperate Housewives until season 6.

12. Any final words for aspiring entrepreneurs?

An idea isn’t a great idea overnight; it usually becomes great with a lot of hard work from a good team.

You can read more about Blippar in our article here, or visit the Blippar website here.