With new mobile app, friends help the broken-hearted to get over their ex-lover
Work & Lifestyle
Guaraná Antarctica's Ex-Lover Blocker app aims to give friends the tools they need to help a heartbroken friend get over an ex-lover.
After having discovered the Virtual Fridge Lock we got word of yet another offering designed to employ peer pressure with users’ best interests in mind. Rather than dieting, however, the latest spotting focuses on personal relationships. Specifically, Guaraná Antarctica’s Ex-Lover Blocker app aims to give friends the tools they need to help a heartbroken friend get over an ex-lover.
Guaraná Antarctica is a popular Brazilian beverage brand, and its new Ex-Lover Blocker app is designed to give lonely hearts the strength they need to resist calling ex lovers. Friends of the lonely heart convince him or her to install Guaraná Antarctica’s app, which was created by DDB Brazil. Within the app, the ex’s phone number can be blocked, and a set of trusted friends can be chosen to prevent further emotional damage. Specifically, in the event the broken-hearted user tries to call his or her ex, the app won’t allow it; at the same time, an alert is sent to the user’s trusted friends, giving them the opportunity to intervene. Meanwhile, the app reportedly also reminds the user of why the relationship didn’t work in the first place. If the user bypasses the app and calls the ex anyway, a notification is posted on Facebook for all his or her friends to see. The video below portrays the premise in action:
Peer pressure and shame have been effective deterrents to bad behavior for generations. App-minded entrepreneurs: how could you apply that concept for good in today’s mobile-minded world?
Spotted by: Murtaza Patel
29th June 2012
Website: www.guaranaantarctica.com.br/default.aspx
Contact: twitter.com/guarana_oficial