Innovation That Matters

Workplaces compete via connected fitness platform

Work & Lifestyle

Count.It is a workplace wellness challenge that links any fitness wearable or app, allowing teams to count all activity towards their monthly tally.

Social wellness platform Count.It connects users of fitness trackers to create community health challenges. With no manual data entry required, Count.It makes competition easy. Any wearable or app that tracks a user’s level of activity can be used to take part in the challenges, and fitness of all kinds is counted. Count.It scores can be streamed to Slack and Hipchat accounts for real-time status updates.

Free to use, there is also a pro version available for USD 2 per registered user per month. The pro version connects companies around the world, creating league competitions, fully automating rewards systems and providing access to bulk-buy discounts on health and fitness products.

As remote and flexible approaches continue to blur the line between home and work, technology creates new ways to make jobs inspirational and comfortable. App-connected sensors help workers find their preferred place to work in an open plan office, and gamified workplaces offer rewards to high achievers. How could fitness trackers help businesses monitor rest and wellness in industries that involve heavy physical labor?

